Yesterday I received two new battery packs, so it was time for flying again. Charged the batteries, packed my SG Adventure Mini and went to the field. I got over 10min with the first 1300mAh Zippy 40C battery flying FPV. The last two batteries were for Acro training. While I was making flips, I crashed.
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The weather was perfect today, so I decided to go for a FPV flight in the morning. Packed my FPV Quad, FatShark goggles, Transmitter and two battery packs and went to the field. Sadly, after the first one minute flying I didn’t manage well the speed of descending and got a small crash. The propeller
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The summer is coming and it is time for FPV flying. Its just great feeling to fly around. In the past months I have mostly used my SG Acro quadcopter and that one is not very suitable for FPV flying, even it is great fun making flips 🙂 I will be using my own SG
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My new carbon frame was designed to be used for FPV flights and filming with my GoPro Hero 3. The arms on the front have a wider angle; instead of 45°, it is 60° measured to the pitch axis. In order to have a perfect flight experience, I should change these settings in the Mixer
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This is the change log of my SG Adventure Mini frame. The actual version is v4. Design changes: frame is much lighter, looks better and has better aerodynamics. I also put my SG Logo on the center plates. Its possible to mount an Tarot 2D Gimbal on the down side. Front and rear arms are
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Back in May 2014 I created my carbon fiber frame: SG Adventure. I needed a smaller version for FPV flying and easy transportation. So I created the SG Adventure Mini V-Type quadcopter frame. I wanted something different, not the standard X or H-Type frame. Its better for mounting an action camera and for orientation too.
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About two months ago, I posted a picture of my broken quad frame. I started developing a new one, more durable frame. I had certain requirements for the new frame: Light weight and durable Stylish look Mounting GoPro and FPV-Equipment Easy transportation: max propeller size 9” I used some of the ideas from my old
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