Naze32 rev6 from Banggood

Today I received my Naze32 rev6 from Banggood and I wanted to make a very short review of it. The board looks like a genuine product from the developer AbuseMark, but it is not. It’s a clone. How do I found this out?

If you look at the logo, it is not written correct. It should be “AfroFlight”  with a big “F” and not “Afroflight”. Second there is no BMP280 barometer on the Acro version like on the genuine Naze32 rev6.

Beside that it is a clone, the quality is very good. All electronic components are soldered as it should be. The flight controller also works fine and I have flashed the newest stable CleanFlight v1.11 on it. Overall if you are a fan of the Naze32 board (and not like me a fan of the CC3D), don’t need the extra barometer and have no problem it is a clone, it’s  a good deal for the price. If you have any questions, leave me a comment.

    1. Hey Amar, thank you. I got the 6DOF version. Performance should be the same as with the Naze32 rev5, because the F1 processor is the same and the gyro/acclerometer is still connected over i2c bus.

      1. Sounds great !
        i’ve got 3 CC3D laying around since 2012 .. all have problems with the gyro and they never work since then.
        yesterday i followed your post about installing cleanflight in cc3d .. guess what ? today i maiden each board in my Blackout miniH and they’re working more than great !! so thanks a lot man…
        i never known that cc3d supports sbus .. so finanly i can say goodbye to my ezuhf ..ill be using the futaba t8j and r2008sb rx :))

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