BLHeli passthrough – easy ESC flashing

Few years ago it was not an easy job flashing special multirotor firmware to the ESCs. You needed to remove the shrink tube, use DIY cables or at least an Atmega Flashing Tool. Then we got the 1-wire protocol for easily flashing ESC via the signal cable. But we still needed to use additional adapters
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Preview: Naze32 rev6

About month ago AbuseMark released the next revision of his famous flight controller – the Naze32 rev6. Here I will share my thoughts, if you should replace your old Naze32 rev5 or your OpenPilot CC3D. What’s new: Invensense MPU6500 replace the old MPU6050 gyro Added BMP280 Bosch barometer Spektrum satellite receiver port 16Mbit SPI flash
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