The FrSky Taranis is, in my opinion, the best radio transmitter money can buy. It’s not cheap, but it’s completely open source. I have a spare Turnigy 9x, but after a half year my gimbals are still almost rock solid, and the Turnigy receivers are to big. So, if it’s your first radio and you
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I have reviewed the KISS flight controller back in January and I was using it on one of my quads with the stock firmware until last week. It was absolutely fine, because I have a pretty old and standard Turnigy 9x radio with FrSky module. But for some reason I decided to update the firmware
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Back in September last year I wrote about the Naze32 Acro that I bought from HobbyKing. I hoped they will offer the full Naze32 version with the MS5611 barometer and HMC5883L compass, but this didn’t happen. I decided to upgrade my Naze32 Acro to Naze32 Full. But if soldering is not for you, you can
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