It has been a long time since I built a new FPV drone. In fact more than 2 years. Why, you might ask: it is challenging with work, family, kids, other hobbies, laziness, you name it. Than I saw a picture of the Quadmula Djinn F25 somewhere on Instagram and I loved how it looks
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In this motor review, I am going to test and share my thoughts on the newest F60 model – the T-Motor F60 Pro IV. As you can guess by the name, it is the fourth generation of the F60 Pro. The first generation of F60 was launched back at the end of 2015 and since
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iFligth DC5 HD build log with DJI digital FPV system and Aikon F7.
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Few months ago DJI has released their newest gear for FPV enthusiast – the DJI Digital FPV System. It aims to revolutionize the drone racing industry by providing low-latency HD video transmission. We decided to test it and build a new FPV quadcopter with 3rd party recommended components offered by DJI on their webstore. The
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T-Motor, one of the top Chinese brushless motor manufacturers, released a new version of the popular F40 Series motor – the F40 Pro III. It is the third generation of the “Pro motor”, targeted at FPV racing pilots. We have been reviewing and testing the F-Series motors since the first F40 version back in 2016
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In the past few months, T-Motor has updated their F-Series motors by offering a Pro version and third generation of the popular F40 motor. We decided to do a quick comparison between both motors, so you can decide which one fits better your drone. First, we are going to perform a general comparison and second
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The T-Motor F60 Pro and the EMAX RS2306 are two of the favourites motors for FPV racing at the moment. Even thought the motors have different stators, we decided to compare them so you can pick the best one for your next FPV racer. We will first start with some details about the motors, then
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