BLHeli_32 was announced a few months ago and currently more and more ESC manufacturers are presenting their BLHeli 32 ESC. Before we start with the comparison of the current best BLHeli32 ESCs, let’s have an overview of what is new in the BLHeli32 firmware. BLHeli32 Overview Lead developer: Steffen aka sskaug Firmware source code: closed
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The world leader in drone technology DJI has entered the Drone Racing market with the new DJI Snail racing propulsion system. The DJI engineers optimized the motors, electronic speed controllers (ESC) and propellers for the needs of the FPV racing pilots. I am going to review the propulsion system, make some thrust tests and finally
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Today I am going to review the Holybro Shuriken 180 FPV Racer. Normally I build my own drones and choose the parts I need accordingly. It is a lot of fun and I like building new quads, but you nee know-how- and time. If you are beginner and want just to start flying, you may
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Днес ще ви представя ревюто на Holybro Shuriken 180 рейс дрона. По принцип не купувам сглобени дрони, а си ги сглобявам и си подбирам сам частите. Забавно е и ми доставя удоволстивие, но ви трябват знания и време как да го направите. Ако сте начинаещ и искате директно да почнете да летите може би е
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BLHeli_S is a new custom ESC firmware based on the most popular BLHeli firmware – it is an improved version. Here is an overview of the new features and which ESCs support the new BLHeli_S firmware. Improvements: Very smooth throttle response Generally does startup better than base BLHeli Only damped light mode Synchronous motor PWM
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The SPRacing F3 EVO is another flight controller, designed by Dominic Clifton. He stands behind the Cleanflight firmware and FCs like SPRacing F3 and SPRacing F3 Mini. I will start with some key features and show you how to setup the SPRacing F3 EVO. Key features: STM32 F3 processor MicroSD-Card socket Built-in Race transponder MPU9250
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Recently I received another BLHeli ESCs – the DYS XM20 and the DYS XM30. I want to thank for sending me the last one for my review. Here some details about the DYS BLHeli ESCs: XM20 XM30 Size: 27 x 14.2 x 4.6mm 32 x 15.2 x 5.9mm Weight: 4.2g 9.1g (7.9g without heat
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