I have done some motor thrust test in the past weeks with my DIY thrust stand, but recently I have found a very professional tool for motor testing – the RCbenchmark Dynamometer. Its made by Tyto Robotics, a start-up of two graduate students from Ottawa University.
The professional dynamometer measures:
- Thrust (±3 kg)
- Torque (±1.5 Nm)
- Rotation speed (up to 100000 rpm)
- Precision Ohmmeter (0.003 to 240 Ohm)
- Temperature (using probes)
- Motor efficiency (%)
- Propeller efficiency (g/W)
- Vibration level (from accelerometer on PCB)
I like the torque and vibration level measurement, but that what makes the tool very useful is the open source software. You have the ability to export all the data to a csv file and to run automatic tests. By running built-in scripts you can get the motor KV or number of poles. You can also run thrust test with an automatic throttle increase and export the data at every step.
The tool can be powered with up to 35V, so you can use it with a max. of 8S LiPo battery. Maximum current is 40A continuous and 50A burst, which is perfectly fine for most mini to big size copter motors.
Using the dynamometer and testing different combinations of motors, ESCs, propellers and batteries can help you decide which one is the best performing. By using the data you can achieve a longer flight time or calculate the maximum lift capacity.
Personally I find the RCbenchmark dynamometer great, but it is mostly for drone or motors manufactures, because of its 495$ price. You can find some videos and more information on the official website.