Have you noticed how time flies just like a drone? Today marks a special milestone for DroneHiTech – it’s been 9 years since we took off into the world of drones.
The drone industry has changed dramatically over those 9 years. We have seen the broader adoption of enterprise drones by public safety entities, big and small enterprises and many more. At the same time a lot more consumers got into the world of drones or ever FPV drones. It has been amazing seeing this and contributing it. Specific drone regulations were simply missing back then. However, operational safety improved a lot as well for those 9 years and we saw the introduction of major drone regulations all over the globe.
My wish for the next year, when the blog will turn 10 years, is for me to have much more time and energy, so I can share more news, how-to´s and my view and understanding of the industry here. If there’s a particular drone topic you’re passionate about or a question you have, let me know! Your input helps shape the content.
Happy 9 years to my blog and Thank you to all of you – its readers! Stay tuned and most important, stay safe!
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