HobbyKing just released a new CleanFlight flight controller with built in OSD. It is called Illuminati 32. I don’t have no idea why they choose that name, but it is not so important for me personally. Sadly there is no detailed specification on the HobbyKing website of the exact processor and sensors. Probably it’s the same as on the Naze32 – STM32 F103. The MPU should be the MPU6050. There are also compass and barometer on board, like on the Naze32 full.
Size: 39x39x12mm
Weight: 12.3g
Built-in On Screen Display (OSD)
STM32 F103 ?
MPU6050 Acc/Gyro ?
MS5611 barometer ?
HMC5883L compass ?
Hard case
The price is 33$ for platinum members. I ordered one and will share the exact specifications and build quality as soon as it arrives.
Update 09.01.2016: Here is my simple review of the Illuminati 32 FC.
I would be interested in your review of this FC.
Hi Nick, I sure will as soon the controller arrives.
Illuminati 32 Flight Controller with OSD – lovely little machine – only problem is that no one has a manual for it – not even Hobby King where i bought it can help – so i got that little thing sitting here and i know nothing about it – nothing at all – cleanflight configurator will not connect to it – no idea about all those dipswitches (what to use and what not to touch ) -Anyone out there who can help – thanks !
Hi Wolfgang, I will try to write a manual as soon as it arrives. Mine is still on the way…
Thank you that woud be fantastic but i have a hinch that you will not get one either – if there would be one anyplace on the net i would have found it by now and the fact that not even Hobby King has one leaves me speachless – thank you — wolf
I would be interested in some kind of manual to looking to put it in a Scratch Built UAV but having trouble making heads or tails of it 🙂
GOD Bless
Ok i am stuck – i build my plane (Flying Wing) connected motors n servos – everything works – then i connected the FC video in and out and power and i have writing in my googles (nice) then i connected the servos and wanted to test them (USB to my PC – cleanflight – receiver – controlsticks) aaaaand a big fat nothing – they dont move – Hmm i thought ok then i test the send recive side and connected the Fc to the receiver for disarming aaaand a big fat nothing again.Aperantly i am overlooking something utraimportant but i have no idea what.Do you know on what wires (channels) on the Channel side the FC is waiting for disarm signal (yaw and pitch) ?What else do i have to adjust to make the signal come trough (TX is FS I6 — RX is FS IA 6B) No movement in the receiver tab channel map either .I put all the endpoints at 1000 and 2000 (lower then 1100 and higher then 1900) but still nothingIf the PC is connected i have a green light and with the main battery i have the blue one blinking very fast..For power i did install a seperate BEC – what is it that i overlooked ? thank you
Hey Wolfgang, not sure how are the power rails of the Illuminati 32, but have you connected the flight controller only to the PC? You can try to connect a battery to power the flight controller. Its possible that the PC powers the FC, but not the receiver. In that case its normal that the control sticks are not moving.
No i did install (Because seomtimes i deconnect the ESC´s) a seperate BEC to power the RX and FC and the servos are moving now (if i control them from inside cleanflight) but i still have no connection from RX to FC and cannot ARM that thing.Do you know on what channels that thing is waiting for the ARM order (Pitch and Yaw i think) I connected one channel after the other but it will not work (Do i have to connect 3x minus AND 3 times +5V to get that thing working ?) Thank your for your help and again shame on Hobby King for not providing a manual !
Inside Cleanflight, do you choose the right receiver type? In your case it should be Parallel PWM Receiver.
Well that was the problem – i clicked on it in the beginning but did not save it 🙁 thank you 🙂
Great, Im glad that I helped 🙂
If i may bother you again Sergey – do you know on what channel the FC is expecting the signals to arm it ? i cant find the right one 🙁 Thank you !
First assure, that when moving the sticks, the right ones move in Cleanflight configurator. For example: if you move the left stick, the throttle should be moving. Same for roll, pitch and yaw. But I am not really sure if this is the right for a flying wing.
Well its not over yet – it works so far – i can moce the rudder and aileron moves bit the engines dont because i am still unable to arm.As well the sensors are so sensible that at the smalles movement the aileros moves – that moves the plane a bit – that moves the sensors – the aileron move more – that moves the plane even harder and on and on – just like a micro in from of a speaker.Do you know where i can adjust the sensibility of the sensors ???? I have been up and down trough cleanflight bu i dont find anything:-) thanks wolf
Hmm, have you choose “Flying Wing” on the Configuration Tab? Motor signal wire connected to M1 pin on FC? On the Configuration Tab, check the “Loop Time” and assure its 3500.
Yes yes and yes 🙂 If i connect it to the PC and i check it does what it is supposed to do (moving the colored bars yaw pitch roll and throttle just right by moving the coresponding sticks) but i never even once got it armed so from the TX passing the RX and going to the FC everything MUST be ok (i think) Else those bars would not move the way they do but like i told you – arming impossible – i check many sites on that problem already but it must be something specific to Illuminati
Yes, if the bars are moving in the right direction when moving the sticks, it means the RX and TX are working as it should be. Arming is by putting the Throttle Stick down and right for about 3-4sec. Assure for one last time, that the Yaw is not reversed before that. Not sure how it is with Airplane mode, but it could be some safety feature preventing the motor start when connected to PC… My board is still not here in Germany, so I cant say more.
Well i give up – i am now days and days working on that and i am no going anywhere -still impossible to arm that thing – the plane would bank but not climb or decent – motors are not running because its not armed – the sensors are so sensetive that the smalles movement of the sensors will move the flaps and that moves the sensors and so on and a terrible mecanical feedback just shakes the plane and the only thing that really works is the OSD – i am waiting now until dear mister hobby king decides to mail me a manual but it was absolutely the last time i send an order to them – i could faster swimm from hongkong to france – thanks all for the help and happy hollidays — wolf
Sorry to hear that Wolf. You can try to post the problem here on the RCGroups forum, I think better than trying to contact HK. Happy holidays to you too!
Even with yaw reversed it would arm with throttle and yaw left i guess. To make sure i am not missing something i always move all the sticks in all the directions when i check something.Du lebst in D ? – ich komme aus Bremen 🙂 but in the interrest of many others with the same problems i thing we better stay with english..Aperantly it is also possible to arm the thing with a AUX switch from the TX but even after connceting it the switch shows together with the other bars (roll yaw pitch throttle ) but is doing nothing either.I am about to give up on this thing 🙁
The arming via switch is as far as I know optional and you still need to arm with throttle down and right. I think the problem is somehow due to a setting in Cleanflight and not FC specific. Yeah I live in the Rhein-Main region 🙂 Gruß, Sergey
Hello, I have just purchased one of these flight controllers because I liked the idea of integrated OSD. Has anyone been able to find or develop a user manual for this unit? I am struggling with the preconfigured wire harness. Any recommendations on how to get everything connected properly and cleanly? Is it a good idea to completely remove any wires that will not be used from the existing pre-made harness? Other suggestions? Installing to QAV250 with ztw spider opto SC’s and not sure how best to power everything. How best to connect the camera? Just remake custom harness from camera?
thanks for any help
Hey, if you can remove the cables out from the connector without breaking it, it is not a problem. Then you can insert these back at any time. If you are using an CPPM/PPM Sum receiver, that only requires 3 wires, you can remove the others. Or if using only a quadcopter, you dont need the wires for PWM5 and PWM6. I received my FC and will try to make a review and manual for it. Regards
I would just tape all the wires you dont need (right now) to the side because you never know – putting it together “cleanly” is almost impossible because of the short wires its gonna look messy when you are finished – put the FC in a small plastic box and close the lid 🙂 .Whatever functional problem you have – i struggled weeks with this thing until i reflashed it – now almost everything works . To power it just plug red and black(Black down red middle ) into a free port of your receiver – the receiver will be powered by the ESC´s and the Fc will be powered by the Receiver so no extra BEC module needet
Hi, I am using illuminati 32 FC, I connected osd, in the screen i can saw some information like flight mode, but i can’t see the battery voltage. Please someone can help me? Thanks.
Best regards, Matias.
Hey Matias, in order to see the battery voltage you should connect the respective pin from the flight controller to the battery. Sadly I do not have the FC anymore, so cant test any more. Best, Sergey
Hey Sergey, thanks so much for your answer. Do you have any idea about what FC pin I should connect? Theoretically, I should connect that pin with positive cable of battery?
Best regards, Matias.
Yes, exactly. It could be the 12V-pin on this picture. However I am not sure and if so, it could be only 12V tolerant. Best
Hello Mathias
Mine burned out after connecting the P ADC to a S3 (up in smoke)
so i have to buy a new one now. It was working before and that was the only thing i changed so i am pretty sure it was that wire who burned out my FC.
I got mine december a year ago and Hobby king was promising for 3 month that everybody will get a manual until they stopped answering my mails.I have not got a manual at all.They are only selling selling makin money.I know i am going to get shit from the experts but let me tell you – its maybe 0.5% of humanity who knows the ins and outs of those chips by heart – for the rest it would be absolutely nessesary to have a piece of paper with minimum that and maximum this but since Mr Gates showed the world that it is no problem to throw software half finished (windows) on the market and dont give a dingos kidneys because there is always some user who will find a solution for free.So after testing this thing and burning out a few maybe there is someone willing to share his knowledge.Understand me right – the little machine is really fantastic but (a year back) collecting info from all over the net for month just to be able to have it running is b******.