DroneHiTech turns one year

DroneHiTech turns one year today! On November 2nd 2015 I started my blog for drone technology. It was an amazing year blogging about flight controllers, ESCs, motors, new DJI drones and everything about FPV.

I have never thought it will be so hard to find some free time for my next review or test, after I get home after work. But it is a lot of fun! Burning ESCs, fire on my desk, motors screaming on the thrust stand at 11pm and crashing my FPV racers never stopped me from learning new stuff and then sharing it with all of you my readers.

I want to say thank you to Angelina, that created the logo for my blog and to Mariyan, Christian and Stef as guest authors for their awesome work.

Big thanks goes to all of the DroneHiTech sponsors that have sent me parts for testing and reviewing, like DJI, T-Motor, Scorpion, LDPower, DYS, Aikon, Sunrise, Flycolor, ZTW, SunnySky, Maytech and Gearbest.

And the biggest thanks goes to all of you my readers! Thank you for all your comments, likes, shares and positive feedback. You give me the energy to keep working and sharing my experience in this great drone world! Cheers!

Happy birthday to my blog 🙂

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