Here I will show you how to connect your ArduCopter based flight controller with Mission Planner over Bluetooth. I used a HC-05 Bluetooth Module, which I bought for some Arduino projects. First you need to change the default baud rate of the Bluetooth module to 115200.
Note: If you are using the MultiWii and MegaPirate AIO flight controller you need also to define the baud rate of Serial3 to 115200 in the APM_Config.h file. Connect the Bluetooth module with the Serial3 pins and for the GND and 5V with the Pins for the Camera Shutter.
In some earlier versions of Mission Planner (before 1.3.1) you needed to first click the “Connect” button and then connect the power to the Bluetooth module, when the Mavlink Window appears on the screen.
For all other flight controllers, like Pixhawk or APM, just choose the right COM port in Mission Planner, change the baud rate to 115200 and click “Connect”.